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What to Expect Before, During, and After your Appointment

If you are looking to get an IUD or Nexplanon, we will call you to discuss the process of getting your device (ie. discuss which is best for you, what to expect during and after insertion, and what to do if you want it removed our replaced, answer any questions you may have, and set up your appointment time). You may get a call from an unkown number or "Shifa Medical Clinic". If your email address has been provided, you may be sent an email with more information before receiving your intake call. All patients must have valid Alberta Health coverage, but if you don’t have access to your health card number, we can look it up for you. You do not need to have your permanent residency or a permanent address so long as you have active Alberta Health coverage.
When you arrive for your appointment, you will be asked to fill out a consent form. All information will be kept confidential. Come with a full bladder, as you will be asked to do a pregnancy test when you arrive, as we are unable to insert an IUD if you are currently pregnant (unless it is within 5 days of unprotected sex). We will also provide STI testing at the time of your procedure and complete your pap test if it is due. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have. The procedure usually takes less than 10 minutes. You are able to change your mind about getting an IUD or Nexplanon at anytime during your visit. Overall, you can expect your appointment at our clinic to take about 15-20 minutes of your day.
Rest as required. No follow up appointment is needed, but please call or email us if you have any questions or concerns. If you receive an IUD, in 5-8 years or when the IUD is no longer needed, please contact us or visit your local family doctor to get your IUD removed or replaced. If you receive an Nexplanon, in 3 years or when the Nexplanon is no longer needed, please contact us or visit your local family doctor to get your Nexplanon removed or replaced.
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